
No Fortune Teller Required

“Ok, maybe puppets are out, but how about a spooky Victorian parlor?”
Brand Engagement

Time to zig.

We have a guiding light at Fiction Tribe when it comes to B2B—if the brand voice has room for it, and the audience probably expects it to be dry, zig when the competitors zag, and lean into humor like it’s B2C.

Fear of a bot planet.

In the case of Conversica, their product helps sales teams do their jobs more efficiently. The problem is, like with all AI tools, there’s an assumption that they’re a threat to those very jobs if treated in a (pun-intended) robotic fashion. So, dry and factual was the zag. We decided to zig.

It started with the basics. There were three audiences we had to reach, each with their own unique challenges and ways Conversica could make their life easier. The constant was that all three personas were using tools or methods that—in a lot of ways—amounted to a blind guess as to how to engage with prospects.

The puppets didn’t make it.

After a brainstorm, where ideas were pitched from a “Q”-like boffin who had a host of ridiculously ineffectual tools (saving Conversica for last), to puppets (yes, puppets), the client and team settled on showing the way things are (broken) as a charlatan fortune-teller who tries to grift desperate people (representing our three personas), and—through true luck—recommends Conversica as a solution.

Conversica: No Fortune Teller Required Spot #2

Challenge accepted.

Shot at the tail end of the pandemic, it was a more challenging shoot than usual with protocols in place to keep cast and crew safe. However, the outcome was exactly what the client needed—three snappy, smart, short pitches couched in a fun premise, and expertly acted.

Conversica: No Fortune Teller Required Spot #3

This campaign (thanks to a bit of brilliant improv by our lead actor) also spawned an internal set of tchotchkes featuring the phrase, “The taco goes CRUNCH!”

About the client

Conversica’s AI-assisted sales automation platform is a revenue-generating machine—literally. It allows sales teams to do what they’ve always wanted: Get prospects the information they want, when they want it, and connect their salespeople with more qualified leads, more often.